Q3 2024 DC price files attached along with LCI pricing cover letter and discontinued items list.
There are some last minute changes to the MFG & WA price files. Purchasing brought it to my attention that they had made a mistake on some JL Darling items. This resulted in the DC prices being 30% more than they should be. Files have been updated. Here are the SKU’s that changed.
809736 |
806386 |
806385 |
806382 |
806380 |
806379 |
801443 |
801441 |
801415 |
Also attached is a list of items that Andrew requested to be removed from the DC price files.
All of the files have been updated and placed in the public drive. If you have any questions, let me know.
Joey Smith
Pricing Manager
O: (919) 596 – 8277 x2520