Schedule 71 Orders are Order placed on GSA Advantage account 202993.  This account is reserved for Orders placed on  GSA schedule 71 which is exclusive to furniture items. These items are managed by Berney Gandy on the sales team, in conjunction with a consultant group.  Items are added on catalog by the pricing and contracts teams. 

The process below. Should only be followed if authorized by customer service leadership as prerequisite process knowledge is required to preform steps appropriately.

  1. Sales Orders on Hold (LCD>Call Center> Common> Sales Orders on Hold
  2. Filter customer account to 202993
  3. On a selected order, review order hold code. (GSA- Order received, no action has been taken; GSA BACKO- Order reviewed but items on order are currently unavailable and thus the customer has not been charged; Unpaid- Order has been reviewed and quote submitted but the customer has not agreed or responded at this time.) If hold is GSA proceed to next steps.  Other hold code steps are addressed below.
  4. Open the order by selecting Sales order button  under view at the top of the screen
  5. Identify which vendor will be used to source from in item setup (Purchase Price) or with review from Berney Gandy (view details)
  6. Ensure sourcing type is set to PurchaseDS
  7. And add sourcing vendor number associated with the vendor who will be fulfilling the order.
  8. Send screenshot of the order in AX to the vendor to obtain freight quote. IMPORTANT: add customer ref in subject)

National Business Furniture (vendor 103462): email screenshot to Carrie - and Meghan –

Correll (vendor 105856): email a screenshot to Elouise - 'Elouise Speer' <>

High Point Furniture (vendor 103288): Email Berney Gandy for quote (; Include Item Information both AX search name# & LCI Sku#, Quantity, Complete delivery address & Ax price.

Office Star (vendor 104268) – Email Berney Gandy (; Include Item Information both AX search name# & LCI Sku#, Quantity, Complete delivery address & Ax price.

Moore Co (vendor 105330)- email Berney and and; Include Item Information both AX search name# & LCI Sku#, Quantity, Complete delivery address & Ax price.

*If the identified vendor is other than above, email Berney Gandy for instructions (

Once quote comes back

              1. Copy quote number and paste into the notes of the order. 

              2. Copy merchandise subtotal, shipping and total, save to notes

              3. On the sales order go to maintain charges, add freight from quote (check “Totals” to confirm the numbers match the quote you were provided.)

4. Sign into From dashboard go to “Virtual terminal” then select “key enter card”

 - Fill out all RED dots plus 3 additional fields; Invoice Number, Billing name and description with the customer Ref#

Amount: Obtain this from “Totals” in sales order

Credit Card# & Expiration date: Obtain this by going to “AKOS” then “Order Details” In sales order. You will get a pop up with the information 

  1. Once all information has been filled out click "Process" at the bottom, and a Payment confirmation receipt will pop up, copy and paste that into the notes of AX
  2.  Must check off email contact boxes
  3. Grab a receipt: click View Transactions in Paytrace (left side white column) take the Customer Ref# or SO number to access the receipt, save to PC as PDF so that you can attach it to the customer confirmation email that you will create in Freshdesk.
  4. Then release hold on order by going to Functions>Order Holds select the hold then select button Holds then Clear and Submit


Now a PO will be created, (place this number and fill out payment column "approved" in the spreadsheet which is used to keep track of open orders)

  1. Open PO from all Purchase orders in AX or by cling the link under Item detail and click edit 
  • PO Price must match the quote provided.  If it doesn't update the unit price to match the quote.
  1. Then add the freight charges to the PO (via financials > maintain charges)
  2. Click “Purchase” tab in header, go to “Generate” section and click “Update”
  3. Click “Purchase Order Confirmation” in the “Journals” tab to save a copy of the PO to your pc. Save name should be: NBF (our customer ref#) (NBF Quote#)
  4. Email vendor the PO
    1. High Point Furniture: Email PO to Crystal Fowler;, cc Sherri Mason;
  1. External Note must be added to PO that include customers color/finish selections and POC information.
    1. National Business Furniture: Email PO to  
  1. Alternate email: Meghan -
    1. Correll: Email PO to Elouise Speer;
  1. Be sure to include the POC in email
    1. Office Star: Email PO to Email Berney Gandy (
  1. Be sure to include the POC in email



  1. Create ticket confirmation in Fresh Desk to send customer receipt of order, lead time.

Advise that freight is not included and has been added. 


If color selection is required, send customer link to item on website that shows available color options. *If you need a link to the color selection to provide to the customer and you do not have it, please reach out to the vendor for it. 

National Business Furniture:

High Point Furniture Industries:

Once the color choice has been given from the customer. Send the PO including the color selection to the applicable vendor. 


Last step: Send delivery window update to the customer.



  • Prices can no longer be changed, even if customer approves. This is NOT ALLOWED! PRICES MUST MATCH PRICES IN AX. 
  • Quantities ARE allowed to be changed/updated.
  • High Point Furniture requires External Note; Include product information from quote 
  • Be sure to included Point of contact as well
  • Berney has advised to send the customer the quote he provides. (High Point Furniture)
  • If you come across a new vendor, reach out to Berney Gandy ( for contact information and process.

Hold code Unpaid


Price Discrepancy

If vendor cannot honor the price that was sent in PO

  • Calculate what 5% of the merchandise subtotal on the quote is. 

Take current price and subtract the price shown in AX (Current Price from quote - Ax Price = Loss amount)

IF Loss amount is more than 5%, order needs to be cancelled.

IF Loss amount is less than 5%, you can proceed with order as normal.

 Click Here for Video Walkthrough of GSA Schedules 71

Schedule 71 Process for Edi Failures

  1. EDI Support ( receives a Schedule 71 order that fails (normally because the VPC listed does not exist)
  2. EDI Support ( emails Sydnee (Contracts Coordinator) and Berney (Furniture Sales Manager) with the order and error (including the VPC the customer is trying to order)
  3. Berney (Furniture Sales Manager) provides the Vendor, part number, and cost if applicable to Sydnee (Contracts Coordinator)  so she can add the item within 24 hours of receiving this notification
    1. Note: if it’s an NBF item or item that Berney (Furniture Sales Manager)  doesn’t have a catalog cost leaving the cost blank is fine because customer service will get the quote from the assigned vendor and make sure the PO has that cost.
  4. Sydnee (Contracts Coordinator)  adds the item in AX and notifies the EDI Support ( to reprocess the order in AX.
  5. If the order is not successful, engage with the team (Contracts, Customer Service, Pricing, Purchasing, and EDI Support) to identify the issue, resolve and reprocess.
  6. Once the order is successfully input in AX, Customer Service releases the order and processes the order. (If quotes are needed before hand this is done by Customer Service)
  7. Once the price is established (including freight if applicable) Customer Service will notify the customer of the total price and lead time and charge the customers card and provide a receipt copy.
  8. The PO is then sent to the vendor for processing by Customer Service.
  9. Customer Service will engage with the customer and vendor until the order is completely invoiced and the customer has received their order in full.

Item fails due to invalid pricing:

Essentially we would need to verify what price was submitted to GSA via the MOD.  Dhani or Julie should have access to that information.  In most cases if Advantage has it as one price and we have it as another previous instances of this would show that we had it wrong. (The schedule price might be right in AX due to a  price increase or a MOD that was submitted but it hasn’t been accepted or approved by GSA yet so the price submitted would be the correct one)

In this case we would update the GSA Schedule price and process the order through.  Then if there was a legitimate concern about pricing (the price GSA has is less than our cost) that would be for contracts to determine the best path forward (accept the order and take the margin hit or accept the consequences on the contract of not fulfilling the order and cancelling)

I hope that answer the question for everyone and specifically you Sydnee.  If not we can pull a call together to make sure we are on the same page